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Greater Pensacola

society for human

resource management


December Virtual Monthly Meeting

  • December 08, 2021
  • 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


Registration is closed

Is Your Employee Benefit Program

Audit Ready?

Michelle Barki, JD, RN, CHP, CSCS, CCSA, Esq.

Medcom Benefit Solutions

The legal requirements that apply to employer-sponsored health & welfare benefit programs are notoriously complex and confusing. Compliance rules for these plans seem to change continuously. Audits by government agencies can result in huge penalties for employers that are out of compliance with ERISA, the Affordable Care Act, the Tax Code, HIPAA, and other laws. This informative presentation will bring clarity and insight to these challenging concepts and equip HR and benefits professionals to effectively manage risk in this critical area.

1. What are the major federal laws that impact employee health & welfare programs?

2. Which federal agencies enforce these laws?

3. What penalties may apply for plans that are out of compliance?

4. What are the key components of a compliant program?

5. How can documents and government filings be kept up-to-date?

6. What “red flags” might lead to an employee benefit plan audit?

7. What steps can be taken to prepare for an audit?

8. Best practices for employee benefit plan compliance?

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the six major federal laws that impact employer-sponsored health & welfare programs

2. Understand how government auditing and enforcement activities may result in adverse financial consequences for plans that are out of compliance

3. Discover and implement sound compliance strategies to protect yourself, your company, your employees, and your benefit programs from costly compliance failures

This program has been approved for 1 SHRM and HRCI general credit.

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