Florida Keys SHRM presents:
Managing Change in a New Reality
Elisa Levy President and Founder of Elisa Levy Consulting
No matter what kind of business you are in, there is a new world reality. The global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged businesses and their employees in many ways. Employees are grappling with chaotic home working environments—or continuing to come to work, uneasily, for jobs that can’t be done anywhere else.
Expected change can be hard enough in ordinary circumstances. Leading forced change management for an organization can be even harder. What can organizations do to keep work going—and, importantly, to care for and guide their people during this time of rapid change?
We have to launch into this new world reality with tools, resources, information and systems of communication that help our employees and ultimately our customers. This session will provide you with tools and ideas to do that well.
To register, please email
Free for members and non-members
Approved for HRCI & SHRM PDC 1.25 hrs
Managing Change in a New Reality.pdf