"Engaging and Transforming Leaders Through Coaching"
Speaker: Annetta Johnson, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, ACC
As Human Resource leaders, you are responsible for hiring, developing and retaining talent for the business. Of course, you don’t do that alone, but you make it happen by working with your HR team, managers and others in the business. Once an employee is hired and successfully onboarded, your attention is shifted to engaging them in the business. For some, engagement is a buzz word, but for the HR leader, engagement is a business reality. After all, engaged workers deliver results! According to the Hay Group, organizations with strong employee engagement scores generate revenue growth 2.5 times higher than companies with lower scores.
Many factors can impede meaningful engagement. These include organizational change, distrust of managers, job insecurity, and a lack of cohesion among workers and teams. Coaching is a powerful tool to remove or diminish these factors. Coaching can be effectively used in the organization to improve performance with individuals and teams. Common coaching goals include: behavior changes, enhance relationships, work-life balance, change management, career transition, leadership effectiveness and career path.
Please join the January meeting to learn more about how coaching can make a difference for individuals and teams in your organization. A Leader’s Edge consultant, Annetta Johnson, a certified business coach and senior human resource professional, will lead the discussion on coaching.
Annetta Johnson Bio.pdf
This event has been approved for one (1) HRCI and SHRM credit.