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Greater Pensacola

society for human

resource management


June GPSHRM Monthly Meeting

  • June 14, 2017
  • 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St., Pensacola, FL 32502


  • Member of GPSHRM Chapter

Registration is closed

Please remember this is a morning meeting.        



     "Strategies for Securing Successful Business Change"

       Speaker:  Susan Rollwagen of Pepperbox Solutions   



No matter how effectively executives work out the strategy and implementation of business changes, none of their plans are successful without execution.  Execution only happens through people.  Too many times the people are not prepared to support the change-vision all the way to its reality. 

Content identifies three types of business change:  cadenced, incremental changes; business-wide changes planned and implemented strategically; and business-wide changes executed urgently for business survival.



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