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Greater Pensacola society for human resource management


April Virtual Monthly Meeting

  • April 13, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


HR's Missing Link

Kate Shockey, SHRM-CP, PHR

Manager  of Human Resources and Talent Acquisition, HR Disrupter, Speaker and Spindoctor

The Missing link is a hypothetical extinct creature in the evolutionary line; a link between modern human beings and their anthropoid progenitors. As HR trends forward to the executive office (seat at the table), have we found less time (or interest) in administrative processes? When someone leaves your HR team or becomes suddenly out of pocket, do you then realize there is an HR missing link? HR preaches to management and business partners about knowledge management and transfer needs; while at the same time maybe not giving enough attention to their own. Join us as we wade through the jungle of needs and options so that you can find your hypothetical missing link and ensure workplace continuity for HR. The modern human beings you serve will be appreciative!

This program has been submitted for 1 SHRM and HRCI recertification credit.

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