Kate Shockey, PHR, SHRM-CP
Volusia/Flagler SHRM President
HR professionals are not gunslingers competing to find Confederate gold amid the violent chaos of the American Civil War. And yet, sometimes it feels that intense! During those intense moments you must rely on values and ethics to make quick decisions. The business pressures you, the staff pressures you, everyone talks about “gray” areas — Like so many ethical dilemmas, the answer depends upon the situation. Just how do you get through the ambiguity to make ethical decisions in HR?
In this session you will learn how to:
• Manage ethics in the work place
• Approach the top 10 potential HR conflicts of interest
• Create organizational strategies to limit conflicts of interest
• Not make a promise you can’t keep; i.e., the “promise” of confidentiality
• Ask the right questions for “fact-finding” before taking action
• Speak truth to power and avoid ethical failures from the top down
This program has been submitted for 1 SHRM and HRCI credit.